Urban specialized centers
220030, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Freedom Square 8
Phone/ fax: +375 (17) 323-39-95
Rusakevich Alexey Yurievich – director
Phone: +375 (17) 365-39-77
Fax: +375 (17) 323-39-95
E-mail: Info@visitminsk.by
Website: minsktourism.by
The Minsk Tourist Information Center was established in 2005 by the Minsk City Executive Committee to provide information support to tourists in the capital, as well as to carry out marketing activities in the field of tourism.
The specialists of the infotour center provide free information and reference support for tourists in foreign languages.
In the information tour center, Minsk residents and guests of the capital receive free information about historical, cultural, sports, social and cultural events in Minsk, get acquainted with the repertoire of theaters and museums, cinemas and galleries. It is possible to book a hotel here, book an excursion program around Minsk.
Thanks to the work of the center, a tourist information base about Minsk has been created, which is constantly updated and replenished, creating a comfortable information environment for guests and residents of the capital.
The Infotourcenter publishes promotional and informational materials about Minsk: booklets, brochures, maps and guidebooks, souvenirs, videos and multimedia presentations. To promote the capital’s tourism product, the Minsk Information and Tourism Center actively participates and provides information and reference support for international tourism exhibitions, conferences, seminars and meetings with representatives of the media.
Address: 220123, Minsk, V. Khoruzhey str., 13/61, room 220.
Phone: +375 (17) 379-26-69; +375 (17) 363-05-77
е-mail: mgumc@minsk.gov.by
Operating mode:
Mon-Thu from 8:45 to 13:00, from 13:30 to 17:30
Fri from 8:45 to 13:00, from 13:30 to 16:15.
Weekends: Saturday, Sunday, holidays.
Days of receiving citizens with applications for which administrative procedures are required:
Mon-Thu from 8:45 to 13:00, from 13:30 to 17:30
Fri from 8:45 to 13:00, from 13:30 to 16:15.
Weekends: Saturday, Sunday, holidays.
The book of comments and suggestions is located in room 222.
Director: Olkhovskaya Irina Ivanovna, room 222, tel. 379-26-69.
Reception of citizens: the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 8:00 to 13:00.
The Minsk City Educational and Methodological Center for Physical Education of the Population (hereinafter referred to as the Center) conducts methodological, information and consulting, physical culture, recreation and sports mass work, which is aimed at attracting the population to systematic physical exercises, sports and tourism.
The Center works in close contact with the Main Department of Sports and Tourism of the Minsk City Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Department), city sports federations, specialized educational and sports institutions, departments of physical culture, sports and tourism of the administrations of Minsk districts, physical culture and recreation centers at the place of residence, children’s and youth physical training clubs, physical culture collectives at the enterprises of the city, other institutions and organizations of the city.
The main objectives of the Center are:
- introduction of scientifically based management systems for physical education of the population into practice;
- methodological support of physical culture and recreation and mass sports events, organizational and methodological guidance on sports and tourism work, development and implementation of effective and generally accessible forms of physical education of the population;
- preparation and publication of manuals and programs, methodological recommendations and other methodological literature on the organization of physical education of the population, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
- organization and holding of exhibitions, seminars on physical education of the population and the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
- organization and holding of educational and practical seminars for specialists and heads of physical culture and sports organizations on the organization of physical culture and recreation, mass sports and tourism work with the population;
- methodical management of the organization of work of city and district physical culture and recreation centers, centers of physical culture and recreation work, physical culture, sports and tourist clubs, as well as associations of citizens with sports interests, physical culture and recreation groups and other formations whose tasks are to improve the health of the population by means of physical culture and sports;
- control over the rational use and ensuring the loading of sports facilities;
- combining the efforts of state and public organizations in order to form a conscious need for regular physical exercise among the population, a combination of mass and individual forms of organizing physical culture and recreation work, the development and improvement of the level of physical culture of the population of the republic;
- participation in the implementation of state programs in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism;
- monitoring of physical culture and recreation, mass sports and tourism activities.
Work is constantly underway to send students to advanced training courses at the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Managers and Specialists of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, according to the plan for advanced training and retraining of managers and specialists of physical culture, sports and tourism.
The staff of the Center annually take part in:
- in the personal distribution of graduates of the Educational Institution “Belarusian State University of Physical Culture”, they keep records of young specialists assigned to the physical culture and sports organizations of the city;
- in the preparation of materials for meetings of Management boards;
- in the design of materials for awarding honorary titles and state awards;
- together with the organizational and educational and sports management departments in the organization and conduct of physical culture and sports events.
To participate in the annual exhibition “SPORTEXPO”, the Center designs a Management stand, organizes demonstration performances of athletes from Minsk in the exhibition program.
The staff of the Center prepared materials for posting on the official website of the Department about the work of Tusit, events held in Minsk, information and photo materials about the activities of subordinate management institutions, etc. Coordination of work on information support of the website is carried out.
The staff of the Center constantly provides assistance to the heads of Management departments in the prompt resolution of official issues.