The Center for ensuring the activities of the Main Department of Sports and Tourism of the Minsk City Executive Committee



An institution is a budgetary organization in the organizational and legal form of an institution, the purpose of which is to ensure the activities of budgetary organizations of a non-commercial nature. It is financed from the budget of the city of Minsk on the basis of budget estimates. Accounting is carried out in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.

The founder of the institution is the Main Department of Sports and Tourism of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

The owner of the property of the institution is the Minsk City Council of Deputies represented by the Minsk City Executive Committee

The main tasks and functions of the institution are:

  • provision of financial and economic activities of the organizations included in the lists, in the amounts determined by the agreement, in accordance with the acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
  • accounting, preparation of accounting and (or) financial statements of organizations included in the lists, as well as consolidated accounting and (or) financial statements for the relevant industry;
  • implementation of repair and maintenance of state property;
  • operation of automated information systems;
  • implementation of occupational safety and fire safety measures;
  • record keeping, storage of archival documents;
  • storage of inventory, equipment and other state property;
  • formation, approval and maintenance of an annual public procurement plan, including a consolidated list of individual goods (works, services), the purchase of which is planned in the relevant financial year for organizations included in the lists, and agreed with the relevant budget managers;
  • conducting public procurement procedures for goods (works, services) according to the consolidated list for the needs of one or more organizations included in the lists;
  • conclusion of public procurement contracts for such goods (works, services) and ensuring their execution, including acceptance of delivered goods (completed works, services rendered) and their payment;
  • conclusion of contracts for the performance of works, provision of services and purchase of tangible assets, lease agreements;
  • the use of budgetary funds and funds from income-generating activities of organizations included in the lists, fulfilling the obligations of recipients of budgetary funds;
  • preparation of proposals on the development of plans for the activities of budget managers;
  • preparation of calculations of necessary allocations to the draft of the relevant local budget for the next financial year, draft consolidated budget estimates, estimates of income and expenses, extra-budgetary funds of organizations included in the lists;
  • preparation of proposals based on the analysis of the financial and economic activities of organizations included in the lists for the adoption by budget managers of decisions on the management of budget assignments and determining the procedure for their use;
  • ensuring timely and full receipt of revenues to the budget in accordance with the competence of budget managers;
  • preparation of consolidated accounting and (or) financial statements in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on accounting and accounting and (or) financial statements;
  • preparation of other information on the use of budgetary funds and timely submission of reports and information in the composition and procedure determined by the Ministry of Finance to the financial department of the Authorized Body;
  • transfer of mandatory insurance premiums, contributions to professional pension insurance and other payments to the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund for social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus for organizations included in the lists, performance of other duties of these organizations in relations regulated by acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on state social insurance;
  • transfer to the Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Company “Belgosstrakh” insurance premiums of organizations included in the lists for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, fulfillment of other obligations of these organizations established by legislation regulating the procedure and conditions for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;
  • deduction from wages of employees of organizations included in the lists in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
  • performing other tasks and functions that do not contradict the legislation and are necessary to ensure the activities of the institution.
Employee phone numbers
PostFull nameWork phoneOffice №
ManagerFЕDOROVICH Alexander Alexandrovich+375 (17) 363-00-33216
Deputy ManagerMALYAVSKY Evgeny Viktorovich+375 (17) 250-15-96210
Chief accountantLAVRIK Oksana Alimovna+375 (17) 379-21-35212
EngineerPLASCHINSKY Anatoly Evgenievich+375 (17) 360-01-52203
Legal Adviser
Human Resources Inspector
STOMCHIK Roman Vasilyevich+375 (17) 360-01-52203
Purchasing SpecialistGORBATSKAYA Nika Mikhailovna+375 (17) 255-07-42203
Occupational Safety EngineerTARASEVICH Yana Mikhailovna+375 (17) 255-07-42203
Head of the householdMAKUSHCHENKO Anatoly Mikhailovich+375 (17) 271-73-55218
Head of Accounting and Reporting DepartmentBALYASOVA Irina Mikhailovna+375 (17) 248-01-65208
Accountant of the 1st category for financial calculationsSHKEL’ Yuliya Vladimirovna+375 (17) 363-02-71208
Payroll AccountantKUDINOVICH Anastasia Nikolaevna+375 (17) 363-02-71208
Accountant for financial calculationsKLOCHKO Olga Stanislavovna+375 (17) 235-54-22box office 226
Accountant of the 1st category for accounting of material assetsDUBIKOVSKAYA Alla Mikhailovna+375 (17) 271-73-55218
Head of the Planning and Economic DepartmentPODOBED Elena Valentinovna+375 (17) 379-51-49211
Economist of the 2nd categoryDUDORGA Natalia Viktorovna+375 (17) 271-61-21211
Economist+375 (17) 323-00-71211